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Loss, Theft, or Destruction
Policies and Procedures
Loss, Theft, or Destruction of Federal-titled Equipment
See (UI Policy Manual, Part V, Chapter 12, Section 9)
Any Government-owned equipment stolen, destroyed or missing must be reported by the Custodial Department to the Department of Public Safety at the time that the property is discovered to be missing.
If the property is not recovered within 48 hours, the incident must be reported to Grant Accounting. Grant Accounting is responsible for requesting a release of liability from the Federal Agency.
The Custodial Department is also responsible for completing the “Request for Disposition” section of the Statement of Government-Owned Equipment Status and sending it to Capital Assets Management (CAM) Office.
CAM is responsible for updating asset records to indicate that a release is requested and, upon receipt of the release, to remove the asset from PSAM.