Workflow Deduction Form

Submit this form to remove assets from the departmental inventory. If no tag is visible, there must be adequate serial # and description provided in order to identify and remove asset from records.  Deduction requests must be submitted through the Workflow form.

Situations which may require using this form include (but are not limited to):

  • Equipment has been cannibalized and parts retained to use for repairs.
  • Equipment sent through Facilities Management requisition to landfill as junk.
  • Equipment has been stolen (attach Department of Public Safety Investigation Report).
  • Equipment appears on the departmental inventory report but can no longer be located.

Do not use this form to:

  • Trade-in equipment for a new asset. The tag number of the asset traded-in for a new asset must be noted on the P-req when ordering the new asset in order to both remove the asset traded-in and apply the trade-in to the new asset.
  • Transfer asset to another department. Initiate an “Internal Transfer of University Equipment” Workflow form if the equipment is or has been transferred to another department or sub-department.
  • Request Surplus Removal. Complete a Workflow “Surplus Disposal Request” form to request that University Surplus pick up equipment. UIHC Depts: complete a “UIHC Surplus Removal Request,” “UIHC Computer/Peripheral Disposal,” or the “UIHC Electronic Equipment Disposal” form.
  • Record sale of equipment by department. After both sale authorization is received from University Surplus and equipment is subsequently sold, submit a Workflow “Surplus Removal Request” form to update asset records.

Form Instructions

For each asset to be removed from the departmental inventory, furnish the following:

  • UI Tag Number
  • Code: select one of the Deduction Codes printed on the form or select “Other” and write a brief explanation for the deduction
  • Description: enter a brief description of the item to be transferred (e.g., a noun with descriptive adjective(s) and vendor name)
  • Serial #: enter the information as recorded on the asset
  • Multiple assets Deduction template
  • The Workflow form will designate the approvers

Questions? Please email Capital Assets Management