Workflow Internal Transfer Form

If you have multiple assets to transfer, please use this Multiple Asset Template and attach to workflow form.  After opening template, you may need to click View, then Edit.

Submit this form when requesting a transfer of equipment ownership/responsibility from one department to another within the University of Iowa.  Only Workflow forms (not PDF hard copies) will be accepted after 7/1/2017.

Do Not Use this Form to:

  • Transfer expenditures for assets within the fiscal year of expense. When a department CV's expense, the Capital Assets Management Office will then transfer ownership of the asset to match the CV, no form is necessary.
  • Move equipment to a different location or change Custodian. For these changes send an e-mail to Capital Assets Management.
  • Request Surplus Removal. Complete a Surplus Removal Form (Hawk ID login required) to request that University Surplus pick up equipment.

Form Instructions

For each asset to be transferred, please provide the following information:

  • Effective Date: enter the date that the transfer will become effective
  • UI Tag Number or Asset ID
  • Description: enter a brief description of the item to be transferred (e.g., a noun with descriptive adjective(s) and vendor name)
  • Serial #
  • Reason for transfer
  • Enter information for the department/sub-department relinquishing the equipment (Transfer Out information)
  • Enter information for the department/sub-department receiving the equipment (Transfer In information), including Department Contact’s information, Custodian, Location, and valid new MFK elements. Enter Org, Department, and Sub-department. You may enter a new OACT, DACT, or Cost Center, if appropriate. The new MFK transfers ownership and depreciation of the equipment. It does not “CV” the expenditure.

If you have multiple assets to transfer, use the Internal Transfer Template (see link at top of page) to list them, then attach the file where prompted to Upload Attachments near the bottom of the workflow form.

When complete, click the Submit to Workflow button.

Questions? Please email Capital Assets Management