Workflow Title Transfer Form

Submit this form to request a transfer of capital equipment purchased by an active research grant, on fund 500 or 510, and that research grant is being transferred to another institution, usually with a departing faculty member.

All equipment purchased on non-Fund 500 or 510 is property of the University of Iowa and must be sold through University of Iowa Surplus.  Contact the Surplus and Central Receiving Manager to facilitate the sale of equipment to the new institution.

All Title Transfer forms are subject to review by Grant Accounting Office to verify ownership of the equipment prior to full approval of the transfer.

Do Not Use This Form To:


If you need to transfer more assets than this form allows, please attach a list providing the fields requested on this

  1. For each asset to be transferred, furnish the following information:
    • UI Tag Number
    • Description: enter a brief description of the item to be transferred (e.g., a noun with descriptive adjective(s) and vendor name)
    • Effective Date: enter the date that the transfer will become effective
    • Serial #
    • Model #
  2. Enter a reason for the transfer of ownership.
  3. Acknowledgement Contact at Receiving Institution: enter the institution and their contact representative for correspondence regarding the transfer of ownership between the two institutions. This should not be the faculty member departing the University of Iowa.
  4. This form requires two signatures of University of Iowa staff. The departing faculty member cannot act as an approver.

The Capital Assets Management office will send a request for receipt confirmation to the receiving institution and return a copy of the updated form to the Department Contact.

Questions?  Please contact Capital Assets Management